Buzzli - the Linkedin Copilot

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Buzzli - the Linkedin Copilot

10X your Linkedin content with buzzli - Your Linkedin Copilot

Generate Post Ideas, Write Personalized Posts, Do Content Planning and find Top Influencer Posts - All on one platform

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Buzzli - the Linkedin Copilot

Write your first post and see the magic

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Create posts in 2 mins

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Meet buzzli - your LinkedIn Co-Pilot

The solution to your linkedin content problems

Get ideas for your next LinkedIn post

Never face creative blocks. Get your next post idea tailored to your chosen topic within minutes. Keep your LinkedIn content fresh and engaging effortlessly.

Generate ideas in no time

Get post ideas tailored to your chosen topic

Save them if you want or create posts directly

Generate Idea

Write your next LinkedIn post like a PRO!

Enter the post topic/idea that you have in mind

Choose the style of writing and other parameters to customize the post further

Generate amazingly structured posts with hooks, CTA and hashtags

Generate Post

Improve your LinkedIn posts like a PRO!

Enter the half-baked post.

Choose the improvement you want to make or type in your prompt

Review changes and post directly to LinkedIn

Improve Post

Personalize posts generated by AI in your writing style

In the “Profile” section save 3-4 posts in your writing style

Save the “AI Thread” with a custom name

Choose your writing style from the AI Thread dropdown in the Generate Post section.

Personalize AI


Active Users


Posts Generated


Hours Saved

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Buzzli - The LinkedIn Co-Pilot

25 Feb , 2024

LinkedIn is a powerful platform for businesses and individuals to connect, share content, and build their brands. But with so much content competing for attention, it can be difficult to stand out.

That's where Buzzli comes in.

Buzzli is an AI-powered tool that can help you create engaging and informative LinkedIn content with its features like:

  • Idea generator: Generate content ideas based on your input, such as keywords, topics, or just some thoughts.
  • Post writer: Write impactful posts based on your tone and word limit. You can save those posts and even share them directly on LinkedIn.
  • Comment generator: Build relationships and visibility on the platform by generating comments based on the post content entered.
  • Hook Generator: Helps you create compelling hooks for LinkedIn posts or topics. Hooks are essential to grab the audience's attention and make them read the whole post.
  • Post inspiration: Get inspired by the top posts from influencers in your industry. Create similar posts or connect with those influencers by visiting their profiles directly.

How to use Buzzli to generate content ideas?

One of the biggest challenges of creating LinkedIn content is coming up with new ideas.

Buzzli can help you generate content ideas by providing you with a list of relevant topics based on your thoughts or ideas.

Buzzli generate idea

Just enter your idea/thought in the input box and click on "Get Topics".

You will get 5 topics to choose from.

You can save these topics or just copy them and start creating your LinkedIn post.

How to use Buzzli to write impactful posts?

Your post is an important part of your LinkedIn content. It's what will capture the attention of your audience and make them want to learn more.

Buzzli can help you write impactful posts by providing you with options to:

  1. Choose the post writing style
  2. Choose the number of words
  3. Choose to style the post
  4. Choose the number of emojis to be added
Buzzli generate post

You can choose to save the post on the platform, copy it, or post it directly on LinkedIn.

Use Buzzli to get inspired by top LinkedIn Influencers:

Do you know what is the best way to create LinkedIn posts?

By learning from influencers in your specific domain.

Post Inspiration feature does exactly that!

Buzzli inspirations

This feature allows you to search for top posts by influencers in your specific domain.

You can even directly visit that particular post on LinkedIn, write similar posts, or just follow or connect with the influencer.

This is a game changer.

Overall, Buzzli is a powerful tool that can help you create engaging and informative LinkedIn content, get inspired by posts from influencers, and elevate your personal brand.

Don't forget to give Buzzli a shot; it's free to use!

Visit Buzzli
Discover how Buzzli, an AI-powered LinkedIn tool, streamlines content creation with features like Idea Generator, Post Writer, and Post Inspiration. This blog post guides you on using Buzzli to generate innovative content ideas, craft impactful posts, and foster meaningful connections on LinkedIn.


Mastering LinkedIn Pages: Your Blueprint for Success

June 14 , 2023

Your LinkedIn Page is more than just a digital billboard; it's a dynamic, interactive hub where you can foster relationships with your audience, showcase your brand's unique story, and drive real business results. Yet, the true potential of LinkedIn Pages remains underutilized by many.

Let's dive in and explore how to effectively use LinkedIn Pages and make them a powerful tool for your brand's success.

1. Start with a Strong Foundation

Every great LinkedIn Page begins with a strong foundation. Ensure your company's logo, tagline, and banner image represent your brand and its values effectively. This is your chance to make a stellar first impression.

Mastering LinkedIn Pages

Gojek LinkedIn page

2. Create and Share Valuable Content

Creating and sharing valuable content is the heart of a successful LinkedIn Page. This includes industry updates, company news, thought leadership pieces, and user-generated content. Experiment with different formats like articles, infographics, videos, and polls to see what resonates with your audience.

3. Use LinkedIn's Native Features

LinkedIn offers a host of native features designed to help boost your Page's visibility and engagement. Take advantage of them!

For example, LinkedIn's "Showcase Pages" allows you to highlight specific aspects of your business, like a product line or an initiative. "LinkedIn Live" lets you engage with your followers in real-time.

Gojek LinkedIn page

4. Engage, Don't Just Broadcast

Your LinkedIn Page isn't just a broadcasting channel; it's a two-way communication platform. Respond to comments, ask questions, and solicit feedback. Regular engagement not only humanizes your brand but also encourages more interaction on your posts.

Engaging on LinkedIn

5. Encourage Employee Advocacy

Your employees can be your best advocates. Encourage them to engage with your posts and share company updates. This not only extends your reach but also builds credibility and trust.

6. Analyze and Optimize

Finally, LinkedIn provides analytics for your Page, offering insights into post performance, follower demographics, and trends. Use these analytics to continually optimize your content and strategy.

Encourage Employee


Effectively using a LinkedIn Page is all about leveraging its features to create, engage, and analyze. With a bit of creativity and a dash of data-driven decision-making, your LinkedIn Page can become a vibrant hub that supports your brand's growth.

And, if you want to further optimize your LinkedIn journey, Buzzli is here to help. Go ahead, turn your LinkedIn Page into a powerhouse!

Visit Buzzli
Discover how Buzzli, an AI-powered LinkedIn tool, streamlines content creation with features like Idea Generator, Post Writer, and Post Inspiration. This blog post guides you on using Buzzli to generate innovative content ideas, craft impactful posts, and foster meaningful connections on LinkedIn.


LinkedIn: 7 Powerful Reasons Why It's Essential in Today's Digital Age

July 21, 2023

In an era of digital connectivity, LinkedIn has emerged as more than a simple job search platform.

It's a global networking powerhouse, a personal branding incubator, and a dynamic tool for business growth.

Here's why LinkedIn holds more power than ever in today's world:

A Networking Giant

  • LinkedIn boasts over 930 million members across more than 200 countries, creating an unmatched professional networking platform. Also, there are more than 10 million creators on the platform.
Buzzli - LinkedIn Essentials

A Career Catalyst

  • LinkedIn's comprehensive job listings and advanced matching algorithms make it a vital tool for both job seekers and recruiters.
Buzzli - A Career Catalyst

The Branding Incubator

  • LinkedIn allows professionals to build and amplify their personal brand by sharing insightful content and participating in relevant industry discussions.
Buzzli - The Branding Incubator

The Business Booster

  • With its ability to showcase company culture and offerings, LinkedIn fuels business growth and lead generation, especially in the B2B space.
The Business Booster

Your Personal Development Partner

  • LinkedIn Learning provides access to a wide range of courses, allowing professionals to enhance their skills and stay abreast of industry trends.
Your Personal Development Partner

An Industry Trends Tracker

  • Regular updates and insights from influencers, thought leaders, and companies keep LinkedIn users informed about the latest industry trends and news.
An Industry Trends Tracker

A Powerful SEO Tool

Buzzli - A Powerful SEO Tool

From connecting professionals globally to aiding business growth, LinkedIn's importance is multi-faceted. Its adaptability and robustness are unmatched in the digital landscape, making it a must-use platform for professionals and businesses alike.

If you haven't started leveraging the power of LinkedIn, now is the time to dive in.

Further Reading: Mastering LinkedIn SEO: A Guide for LinkedIn Creators

Did you like this post? Give a shout-out to Divyansh Raj


The Ultimate LinkedIn Profile Playbook

August 04, 2023

In today's digital-first world, a robust online presence is crucial for building your personal brand and developing a thriving network. Among the different social networking platforms, LinkedIn stands out as a cornerstone for professional networking, personal branding, and job seeking. It's here that the power of an SEO optimized and branded LinkedIn profile can play a vital role. This is your LinkedIn Profile Playbook, brought to you by Buzzli, your trusted companion in the journey of creating and managing SEO-friendly LinkedIn posts.

The Power of LinkedIn

A well-branded and SEO-optimized LinkedIn profile not only helps you stand out but can attract potential employers, clients, or collaborators. It's no longer a simple virtual CV but a dynamic representation of your professional story, making it vital for you to make the most out of your LinkedIn profile. It is where you project your professional image and amplify your voice.

Key Elements of a LinkedIn Profile

Creating an impactful LinkedIn profile involves attention to several elements:

  • Profile Picture and Banner: A clear and professional profile picture is your first introduction. The banner can be an opportunity to express your personal brand or professional interests.
  • Creator Mode and Call to Action: Turning on the creator mode can help you grow your followership. A well-crafted Call to Action (CTA) can direct your audience to your website, portfolio, or any other desired link, hence increasing engagement.
  • Featured Section and About Section: These sections allow you to showcase your achievements, values, and abilities in a more detailed and personalized manner.
  • Experience and Skillset: A well-articulated depiction of your professional journey and skills can make you more appealing to potential collaborators and employers.
  • Recommendations: They serve as social proof of your skills and experience.
  • Tagline and Hashtags: A catchy tagline can be your professional hook, and relevant hashtags can help you get found in the LinkedIn ecosystem.

Optimizing Your LinkedIn Profile

To optimize your LinkedIn profile, keep your target audience in mind and craft your message accordingly.

  • SEO Optimized About Section: Incorporating relevant keywords into your about section can boost your visibility on LinkedIn and Google search. Use Buzzli's SEO optimization tool to help identify these keywords.
  • Quality over Quantity: It's not about listing everything you have done; focus on showcasing the most relevant experiences and skills.
  • Be Active: Engage with your network. Share insightful posts, comment on others' posts, and maintain an active presence.
  • Make the Most of Recommendations: Request recommendations from colleagues and other professionals who can vouch for your skills and character.

LinkedIn Profile Case Study: Justin Welsh

To illustrate these principles in action, let's examine the LinkedIn profile of Justin Welsh. Justin's profile is a model example of how a well-optimized LinkedIn profile should look.

Here's how he leverages key LinkedIn elements to build a personal brand and engage his audience.

  • Profile Picture and Banner: Justin's profile picture is a clear, high-quality, and professional headshot, immediately making a positive first impression. His banner, featuring a simple but powerful statement effectively communicates the value proposition of his LinkedIn product for creators.
  • The Ultimate LinkedIn Profile Playbook Cover Image
  • Creator Mode and Call to Action: Justin has turned on LinkedIn's Creator Mode, reflecting his active content creation role on LinkedIn. His CTA link "Grow and Monetize your LinkedIn" drives visitors to his website where he offers a masterclass to creators.
  • Tagline: His tagline, "The Diversified Solopreneur | Building a portfolio of one-person businesses to $5Mn in revenue", is succinct and powerful, immediately giving visitors an idea of what he does and the value he can offer.
  • About Section: Justin's about section is a great example of SEO optimization. He cleverly incorporates keywords related to his niche, such as "creators," "profitable business," and "online." This is coupled with a compelling narrative that adds a personal touch, helping him connect with his audience on a deeper level.
  • Justin Welsh LinkedIn Profile Example
  • Experience and Skills: In his experience section, Justin provides a detailed account of his professional journey, focusing on his achievements and the impact he had at each role. He also showcases a comprehensive list of skills, enhancing his credibility.
  • Recommendations: Justin's profile is enriched with numerous recommendations, reflecting his well-rounded professional competency and the esteem he holds in his network.
  • Featured Section: His featured section is full of articles, posts, and links that offer value to his audience. It's a direct display of his expertise, further strengthening his personal brand.
  • Justin Welsh Featured Section Example

In essence, Justin's LinkedIn profile is a testament to the power of personal branding. He uses every element of his profile to the fullest to communicate his value proposition, engage his audience, and establish himself as an authority in his niche.

Targeted Content Strategy: The Key to Success

Your LinkedIn journey doesn't end with optimizing your profile. It's only the beginning. With an optimized profile, your next step is to create a targeted content strategy. Share articles, blog posts, or any content that can resonate with your audience. A well-planned content strategy can elevate your professional brand and increase your visibility in your chosen field.

In conclusion, a polished and optimized LinkedIn profile, coupled with a robust content strategy, can be your passport to professional success. By utilizing tools like Buzzli, you can easily manage and enhance your LinkedIn presence by creating SEO-friendly LinkedIn posts and overcoming writer's block. We're here to empower you in taking your professional story to the next level.

Happy Networking!

Buzzli is conducting a free LinkedIn profile and content audit.

Just submit your LinkedIn profile here and we'll send you a detailed audit in 2 days.


How to conduct a Mini Audit of your LinkedIn Profile

August 13, 2023

If you think your LinkedIn Profile is not up to date or the content you are posting on the platform is not reaching and engaging the right audience, then it is time to conduct an audit to find out why that is happening.

Why is an Audit Important?

  1. It helps you assess the effectiveness of your current content strategy on LinkedIn.
  2. Identify your strengths and weaknesses. Literally, figuring out what works and what does not.
  3. Helps you understand how you can optimize various aspects of your profile including tagline, banner, about section etc.
  4. Helps you measure the progress towards your LinkedIn goals.
  5. It also gives you a perspective on thought leadership by helping you understand the engagement you are receiving on your content.

How to Conduct a Mini Audit of Your LinkedIn Profile

Step 1: Break Down the Audit into 4 Parts

  1. Profile Completeness
  2. Content Quality
  3. Thought Leadership
  4. Brand Tone

Step 2: Profile Completeness

When it comes to your profile, there are certain essential elements that need to be in shape for your profile to become SEO optimized, or easily searchable on LinkedIn.

  • Profile Picture: A good professional headshot really works well on LinkedIn and conveys your seriousness.
Justin Welsh Profile Picture
Justin Welsh has the perfect profile on LinkedIn
  • Banner: Also called Digital Real Estate, it should be designed based on your brand tone and should ideally communicate what your personal brand stands for, from a visual and messaging perspective.
  • About Section: This space is crucial to showcase your experience, personality, your life journey, and the services you offer. Make it as compelling as possible and make sure you align it with your goals on LinkedIn.
Justin Welsh About Section
Justin's About section covers all the main points
  • Creator Mode: An amazing feature which needs to be "turned on" to make your profile creator-friendly. This also gives you the option to add hashtags to your heading, a call to action link to your external website/Calendly to book calls, and even utilize a "featured section" to showcase your credentials.
Justin Welsh Creator Mode
Justin Welsh Call to Action Example

Step 3: Assess Your Content Quality

When it comes to content quality, there are three parameters that matter:

Post Quality

  • Value Addition: Every post you share should provide value to your audience. Are you offering insights, sharing news, or teaching something new?
Post Quality
  • Engagement: Analyze the average reactions and comments per post. High engagement typically indicates content relevance and quality.
  • Visuals: A picture speaks a thousand words. Are you using high-quality images, infographics, or videos that complement your written content?

Post Types Utilized

LinkedIn boasts a variety of post formats:

  • Text-only posts
  • Text + Image posts
  • Carousels
  • Interactive Polls
  • Videos

It is important for you to utilize the post formats offered. This also helps the algorithm understand that you are serious about your content.

Frequency of Posts

  • Posting Frequency: Regular updates keep you on the radar. But it's essential to maintain a balance – too frequent, and you may be seen as spammy; too infrequent, and you may be forgotten.
  • Response Time: Engaging with comments on your posts or messages in a timely manner showcases your commitment to your network.

Step 4: Assess the Level of Thought Leadership Achieved

You become a thought leader when you command certain attention in your field of work on LinkedIn. How do you measure that?

  • Followers Growth: A steady increase in followers suggests you're consistently offering value.
  • Followers Growth
  • Engagement on Posts: Another key aspect to measure is the engagement you receive on your posts. Are people reacting to your posts?
  • Are they commenting on your posts and sharing them with a wider audience?
  • Engagement on Posts
  • Content Sharing: Engaging with posts of other influencers and leaders is another great way to build your thought leadership and your LinkedIn profile.
  • Recommendations: Having recommendations from colleagues, clients, or supervisors can boost your authority. Remember, giving genuine recommendations can also enhance your standing.
  • Courses and Certifications: Regularly updating your profile with new skills and courses shows commitment to professional growth, further cementing your position as an industry leader.

Step 5: Have a Look at Your Brand Tone

When I say brand tone, I am referring to the following:

Visual Consistency

  • Color Palette: Maintaining a consistent color theme, especially if it aligns with your personal or company brand, can make your profile visually appealing and instantly recognizable.
  • Content Formats: Use of similar templates or styles for posts, especially for series or regular updates, can solidify your brand tone.

Messaging Consistency

  • Consistent Themes: If you're an expert in a particular field, ensure your content consistently echoes your expertise.
  • Value Proposition: Make sure the value you offer is evident and consistent in every post, article, or update.

Voice and Tone Consistency

  • Tone Consistency: Whether you opt for a formal tone, conversational style, or a mix, staying consistent is key.
  • Authenticity: Be genuine in your interactions. Authenticity resonates and is more likely to foster trust and engagement.

If you can assess these four crucial parameters – profile completeness, content quality, thought leadership, and brand tone – you will be able to find the gaps that exist on your LinkedIn profile and subsequently plan to create a content strategy to fill those gaps.

Too much to do?

Buzzli is here to help you with your LinkedIn profile audit for free.

Click here to submit your LinkedIn Profile link and we will send across a comprehensive LinkedIn profile audit to you with actionable steps!

Your LinkedIn world is about to change. Get ready to grow!

Grab 5 LinkedIn post templates inspired by Justin Welsh right here.

Frequently Asked Questions

Buzzli is an AI-powered tool designed to help LinkedIn users—creators, founders, and teams—enhance their personal brands and expand their audience. Our platform facilitates the creation of high-performing content and turns social engagement into valuable business outcomes.

Buzzli is beneficial for anyone looking to build their brand on LinkedIn, including sales reps, founders, employees, freelancers, and other professionals across various industries. Our tools are crafted to help any motivated professional amplify their online presence and achieve tangible results.

Yes, we offer 1000 free credits so you can explore all the features of Buzzli and see how it fits into your LinkedIn strategy before committing to a subscription.

Buzzli offers a comprehensive suite of tools designed to enhance your LinkedIn presence:

  • Idea Generation
  • Post Generation
  • Improve post
  • Post to LinkedIn
  • Scheduling posts
  • Top posts from Top LinkedIn creators
  • AI-Generated Images

Yes, Buzzli searches the internet to generate fresh and engaging post ideas.

Our platform assists in writing and improving your posts and even saves them in one place for reference.

Buzzli adapts to your unique writing style to personalize LinkedIn posts.

Easily schedule your posts or publish them directly to LinkedIn.

Yes. Get inspired by top posts from leading influencers in your domain.

Automatically generate images that complement your posts, enhancing visual appeal and engagement.

Yes, Buzzli is accessible on any device including desktops, mobile phones, and tablets. For the optimal experience, we recommend using Buzzli on a desktop. This flexibility allows you to manage and enhance your LinkedIn content from anywhere, at any time, ensuring convenience and efficiency in your social media management.

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